Essential features for your Lodge
100% Mobile (iPhone, iPad, iWatch, Android…)
Secure Double validation and tutelage. Our technology protects 99.99% of attacks from the web.
Complies with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)
PUSH notifications of upcoming meetings, your information and the threads of discussions with the Brothers.
The dedicated desktop version (PC & Mac) of the app for Lodge Secretaries.
Customizable colours of the Obedience (logo, application name…)
Lodge news, communications
Comments from the Brothers on current affairs/meetings
Meeting agenda
Agenda of future Lodge meetings with the indication of its presence at the Meeting, registration for agapes and management of visiting guests.
Access to past meetings
Access to the Boards
Access to the boards/pieces of architecture of your Lodge with archives.
Access to documents
Access to the documents of the Lodge (rituals…) and the Obedience
Customizing your lodge
Customizing the information of the Lodge: regular meeting dates, instruction meetings, address, logo etc…
Address book
Contact details for the college of officers and all the Brothers.
Address book with a phone call, SMS or e-mail to a Brother with a single click. Calculation of route to the temple or place of a session in one click.
Instant messaging
Dedicated and secure internal instant messaging with all your Brothers in the Lodge.
It is possible to create several private discussions.
Real-time notifications
PUSH/notifications for registrations and reminders to meetings and agapes.
Visitor access
Visitors have access to your calendars of outfits by simple QR code scan and human tutelage.
Multi-lodges with support for affiliations.
PDF presence sheet
Print your presence sheet in the colours of your Lodge.
Maximum security
Password authentication and human tutelage validation. The Lodge Secretary validates the Brother as a Visitor, Affiliate or Member of the Lodge.
My Lodge is a closed-source application.